Italy Facing corona – Death Penalty to infector

corona virus impact Italy
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The death toll from the Corona virus in Italy has increased to over 1,400. It is increased about 7%, You know it is a very Big Number!!. According to latest data within the confirm cases approximately 7.1% are ended by death.

We want to show you some SHOKING numbers which are impacted by the corona virus.

Italy: 17,660 confirmed cases, 7.1% death rate
Spain: 5,232 confirmed cases, 3.17% death rate
Germany: 3,758 confirmed cases, 0.21% death rate
France: 3667 confirmed cases, 2.15% death rate

Medical services in Italy have also stumbled.The Italian government has decided that anyone who inadvertently infects others with the Corona virus will be charged with murder.If a person infected with the corona virus does not isolate itself from self-isolates, it can be imprisoned for 6 months to 3 years.And can be fined as well.This command states, If any Corona positive person infects another person then he/she will be charged with international murder and maybe jailed for more then 20 years.

As we can tell, over 21,000 people in Italy are infected with the corona virus. over 1400 persons died in Italy.The Italian government is in verymuch tension and worried for people of the country.This is reported by London Metro News.

The Hollywood actor Tom Hanks says he and his wife have been diagnosed with the corona virus after feeling a bit tired and having a slight fever while visiting Australia.”To play things right, as is needed in the world right now, we were tested for the Corona virus,” he wrote in a statement that was posted on social media.

The World Health Organisation has suggested other countries implement similar draconian measures after it officially declared the outbreak as a pandemic. WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said countries were being called upon ‘to scale up your emergency response mechanisms.’ His advice included: ‘Ready your hospitals, protect and train your health workers, and let’s all look out for each other because we need each other.’ Dr. Mike Ryan, WHO’s emergencies chief, gave a blunt warning about the urgency of the public health emergency. Ryan said: ‘Iran and Italy are in the frontline now. They’re suffering, but I guarantee you other countries will be in that situation soon’.

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according to Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Germany is gonna send one million face masks to Italy as it continues to battle the corona virus outbreak. also according to the press agency DPA, German government has also reportedly ordered medical supply purchases worth €163 million to help tackle the coronavirus crisis.

Rome [Italy]: As many as 41 new deaths from coronavirus were reported on Thursday in Italy, bringing the death toll to 148.